Mackenzie MadduxOwner and Master Aesthetician

Mackenzie Maddux

Owner and Master Aesthetician

I've been where you're at and I get it. 

My name is Mackenzie Maddux, and I am the founder of Kempz Skincare. I have been in this industry for 6 years, and struggled with my own acne through that entire time. Yes even estheticians deal with acne! I felt so frustrated that I couldn't solve the very thing I went to school for. But acne is a fickle beast, and something that has so many mixed opinions on that it can be impossible to find an answer! I understand the confusion, money spent, time wasted.... I've been there. It wasn't until I was introduced to Face Reality that I was able to clear my skin, and combined specific herbs, vitamins, diet, and lifestyle habits that my skin completely cleared.