Frequently asked acne questions

Q: Is my diet breaking me out?

Diet is likely aiding to your acne, but it’s probably not the foods you think. Sugar, coffee, fast food… these actually don’t make too much of a difference. The foods that I focus on are androgenic foods like peanuts and dairy, and foods containing iodine like sushi and seafood. We go into depth with your diet during the consultation to see exactly where food triggers are for you.

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What is acne?

Acne is a hereditary condition of your skin’s pores. An acneic pore sheds too many layers of skin in a day, about 5 layers. A healthy pore sheds about 1 layer of skin in a day. All these dead layers of skin then accumulate inside of your pore creating a pustule or papule (acne). This is known as retention hyperkeratosis.

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Coconut Oil. One of social media’s favorite ways to ruin your skin.

You’re told over and over again on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, and other platforms that this miracle oil is a cure all. We cook with it, clean with it, moisturize with it, remove makeup with it, whiten teeth with it, all kinds of stuff that the internet says to do.

But what is coconut oil? Why is this oil being shoved down our throats? Is it really all that beneficial? What’s it really doing?

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Adult acne: You’re not alone, I promise.

What’s worse than acne? Adult acne. The easiest way for me to speak about this is for me to first tell you a bit about my own experience….

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Foods that make acne worse

There’s a TON of information on the internet when it comes to your diet and acne. Don’t eat sugar, eat lots of fruit, don’t eat fatty foods, drink matcha powder. It can be confusing when there’s so much information. Even more frustrating is when the information you’re following isn’t true and makes your acne worse.

So here it is plain and simple. This is what you should avoid when you have acne.

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PCOS and Acne

I speak for myself when I say PCOS is a B*tch.

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Peptides and anti-aging.

Ingredient spotlight! Let's talk peptides and anti aging.

You’ve probably heard of this ingredient if you’ve ever looked into anti-aging products. They’re popular, and for good reason. A powerful ingredient and inexpensive in comparison to other ingredients, let’s take a closer look at what exactly peptides are.

By definition peptides are chains of amino acids that are the building blocks of protein. I know that doesn’t mean much to most people so I’ll break it down for you.

Amino acids are organic compounds that help build proteins. It’s made of the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. Amino acids have a bunch of different jobs, they give proteins their structure, transport nutrients, and send signals to other cells. When these amino acids link up they form a chain, they can be short or long. As they link up and become longer they become the building blocks of proteins. These chains of amino acids are known as peptides.

Proteins make up a lot of the body’s tissue, organs, and skin. The one big protein in your skin is called collagen, it makes up about 75% of your skin. This is also one of the key proteins that gives your skin a youthful appearance. Collagen is basically the foundation of your skin. When you’re young you have a ton of it, as you age collagen starts to diplete. As you lose collagen your skin will show more visible signs of aging like wrinkles, and saggy or crepey skin.

So amino acids form peptides, and peptides form protein like the very important collagen. See where I’m going with this?

Peptides can help boost collagen production! The peptides found in serums, creams, and others are short chain amino acids that easily pass through the layers of the skin. Peptides are chatty little guys so they go in and “talk” to your other cells by sending signals to do certain tasks like collagen synthesis.

The science behind peptides is simple. There’s no smoke and mirrors here. If you’ve ever thought about adding anti aging products into your regimen peptides would be a great addition.